
Make sure you get proper tax invoices 16 May 2014

Not all retailers are issuing proper tax invoices.

For purchases over $50 at a minimum a tax invoice must include the words “Tax Invoice” as well as the GST registration number.

If you do not receive a tax invoice for goods purchased, you are not permitted to claim GST. Should you be given an invoice which does not qualify as a tax invoice, ask the assistant to record the missing information on the document and, to be extra cautious, get the person to initial the changes.

You may well discover the omission after you have left the shop. The remedy, in that case, is to ring the firm concerned, get the name of the person you talk to and ask for permission to insert the missing information as agent for the supplier. Then insert the missing words or number. Be careful, it is illegal to be issued with two tax invoices for the same transaction.


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