
Biff out the bad ones for better business 13 Nov 2013

A RELATION tells us he did a lot of work for a customer which wouldn’t pay its bills.

It was a big business with plenty of money. It just had poor organisation.

One day, he got fed up and passed the outstanding bills to a debt collector.

“What am I doing working for this outfit,” he asked himself. “It’s not only wasting my time with debt collection problems, but the work I’m doing is actually not very profitable.”

He decided both these problems had to be resolved or he would stop working for the firm.

If you have customers like that, you might be better without them. Not all business is good business. To make sure you can dump the bad customers, look to your marketing to generate a continual stream of potential replacements. This is why you need to network, use newsletters, social media etc to keep reminding everyone you are still around and ready to supply.

Don’t forget those you have previously sold to. They should be an excellent source of referrals.


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